time ago, to create the group TDD Castilian, had this question in the title. TDD Is the little sister of the formal validation ? There is an article of great EW Dijkstra, "On the cruelty truly teach computer science "which I find very revealing as we now understand the software engineering, and how they saw things only last a little over 20 years.
Dijkstra proposed basically to teach computer science students as an introduction in the first year, the formal validation of the programs without even touching a computer for programming. Pretty amazing.
one day can we formally verify that a program does what we expect to do, and nothing more? What happens, that the main problem is not ascertained whether not know, learn, assimilate, conceptualize what to do.
I leave you with this video 2001, with a short interview so interesting personality.
You can find all his manuscripts, some of them translated into Castilian in the University of Texas .
Computer science is no more about computers
astronomy is about telescopes Than
EW Dijkstra has always intrigued me the true meaning of that phrase ...
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