Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sony Vegas Seril Number

TDD Is the younger sister of formal validation?

time ago, to create the group TDD Castilian, had this question in the title. TDD Is the little sister of the formal validation ? There is an article of great EW Dijkstra, "On the cruelty truly teach computer science "which I find very revealing as we now understand the software engineering, and how they saw things only last a little over 20 years.
Dijkstra proposed basically to teach computer science students as an introduction in the first year, the formal validation of the programs without even touching a computer for programming. Pretty amazing.
one day can we formally verify that a program does what we expect to do, and nothing more? What happens, that the main problem is not ascertained whether not know, learn, assimilate, conceptualize what to do.
I leave you with this video 2001, with a short interview so interesting personality.

You can find all his manuscripts, some of them translated into Castilian in the University of Texas .
Computer science is no more about computers
astronomy is about telescopes Than
EW Dijkstra has always intrigued me the true meaning of that phrase ...


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