The story about the possible origin of the teddy bears can be traced back to 1902. When U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt made a trip south of the country, with the intention to mediate a border dispute between Louisiana and Mississippi. To entertain his hosts President organized a hunt, an old bear captured, wounded and tired which was tied to a tree for the president to shoot him and had a trophy "easy" to take home. Roosevelt refused to do so, incident was caricatured by cartoonist Clifford Berryman , bearing his caricature national coverage.
The newspaper drawing inspired a toy salesman named Morris sewing Michton a doll, a teddy bear rudimentary, in the absence of anything better, had buttons instead of eyes. Michton put the bear and the Berryman cartoon clipped from the newspaper in the window of his shop, with the sole intention of drawing the attention of passersby on their trade. In doing so, I knew that was just born the king of toys.
The bear drew a crowd of shoppers, so many that Michton began to mass-produce these teddy bears with buttons for eyes and the name of "Teddy's Bear" (Teddy Theodore, in honor of President Roosevelt). The following year, the flood of orders was that he founded the Ideal Toy Company. The rise of the toy was unstoppable, the sophisticated porcelain dolls were literally swept away by the tenderness of the teddy bear, to the point that for over a decade, thought they were a thing of the past. And today, more than a century later, both children and adults are hugging their teddy bears.

Theodore Roosevelt Cartoon by cartoonist Clifford Berryman
Other curiosities
The first Teddy Bear Museum was set up in Petersfield, Hampshire , England in 1984, founded by Judy Sparrow. It closed in 2006 and is currently a particular direction.
Some teddy bears have become listed auction items, a teddy reached in 1926 at Sotheby's in New York figure of € 80,000. Another signature Steiff teddy made in 1908 was sold at Christie's in London for € 60,000.
fever collecting teddy bears started in the 80's and has gone to a crescendo over the last ten years. Exist throughout the world and especially in the U.S. clubs teddy bears, chain stores, magazines that deal with this issue exclusively and even organized conferences on teddy bears. This has coined the term "arctofilia" to define the collecting teddy bears (Greek arktos; bear).
The most expensive:
In its 125 birthday, the German company Steiff she released the most expensive teddy bear history in limited edition, 125 units were manufactured and sold for about 62000 euros. The reason so exorbitant price, sapphire eyes 11mm in diameter, its 20 diamonds that completed the pupil, his mouth and nose of pure 24 carat gold. Furthermore, the purchase included a Mont Blanc fountain pen and an inkwell filled with liquid gold.

teddy bear The largest and smallest (almost):
The creator of this super teddy bear living in South Korea. The teddy bear the world's largest participation in a recreation of a scene from the book Gulliver's Travels. The doll measures ten meters long and 2.3 meters wide . It measures 5 mm and is a teddy bear with all the details. But curiously there is the teddy bear the world's smallest, because it has the Guinness record another teddy just 4.5 millimeters.

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