Lisa Jorgenson (Reese Witherspoon) is a young athlete of 31 who is convinced that his love life is a failure. But, unexpectedly, will be wrapped in a funny love triangle with George (Paul Rudd), an executive in a crisis, and Matty (Owen Wilson), a professional baseball player. Which of the two will be decided? How to know what is true love?
How do you know if ...? , Is one of the films más aburridas que he visto últimamente. ¿Qué cual es el problema…? Le falla el ritmo, la excesiva duración, los personajes, y en general casi todo. No aporta nada nuevo, y es tan previsible que enfada. Lo peor es que podría haber ofrecido mucho más, teniendo en su reparto a actores tan válidos como Jack Nicholson y Reese Whiterspoon; pero es que los personajes son tan planos, las situaciones tan insípidas y liosas, que no suscitan ni el más mínimo interés. Sin darte cuenta te ves envuelta en una maraña de diálogos que no llevan a ninguna parte, y que se alejan del tema principal de la película. El resultado es que paulatinamente, y sin remedio, vas desconectando totalmente de lo que ves because they're more than loss and the worst is that you do not care back to catch the thread. A film very loosely ... 2

A group of divers, led by a father and son, made an expedition to the largest cave and inaccessible in the world. Because of a tropical storm, will face many dangers as they seek a route that allows them to go out and save their lives.
As you can imagine, the sanctuary is an action film start to finish. No matter the interpretation, and the script a bit loose in the sanctuary the most important thing is action, the struggle for survival, adventure.
James Cameron is the producer of this film based on real events. And it really has a lot of Cameron film, many of its key ; is great, or intended to be, claustrophobia, entertaining from beginning to end, but it reaches very linear, the characters are the norm in this class film, there is no undue surprises. It capitalized popping film, commercial film, plain and simple. No time for action rather than to shocks, some quite heartbreaking, literally. But it sounds like things already seen a thousand times before.
was made in 3D, but I saw at home, I think if I had to spend the price of a ticket, on top of 3D would be pretty pissed. 5.4

127 hours
Based on the true story of Aron Ralston, an intrepid American mountaineer infamous because in May 2003 during a climb in Utah, he fell . After several days immobilized and unable to find a solution, had to make a dramatic decision.
knew the story and so I refused to watch the movie. He feared it was too harsh, too direct. It is true that there is a scene that makes the hair stand on end in which, if I'm honest, I had to look away, but the whole film is vital and evocative. The protagonist is caught but his imagination fly, its memories, past experiences, dreams, hallucinations, expectations become the way of escape, as a lifeline to stop the madness, to get away from the crack where is trapped, and the maddening loneliness that surrounds
Film I really liked. The interpretation of the protagonist, James Franco, too, is excellent, and very believable, intense. It carries all the weight of the film, which is very difficult, and never weakens. The film is light, crisp, and leaves a positive feeling of joie de vivre. Also excellent soundtrack. 7

Black Swan
Nina (Natalie Portman), a brilliant dancer who is part of a ballet company in New York, lives entirely absorbed in dance . The rivalry with companion Lily (Mila Kunis) and pressures are exacerbated as director approaching opening day. This adjustment causes a nervous breakdown in Nina and the disabling mental confusion to distinguish between reality and fiction.
was a little reluctant to see it, mostly because the movies that deal with the madness does not usually like me and leave me pretty bad body, but my sister convinced me and finally we saw together.
I do not know if she broke the body as upset as me, but I guess by your face that you had to spend the same as me. No, this is not a movie going to see many more times, mostly because I'm not sure my poor heart can resist new vision of some of the unpleasant scenes.
why not stopped recognizing the value of Black Swan, in particular its leading actress. Newsprint is marked tremendous Natalie Portman, not easy, complicated and nuanced. Oscar. That Nina, obsessive, strange, troubled, withdrawn, paranoid, repressed, greedy, delusional, and almost perfect is not easy to forget. She is the leading step in this dance, which marks the ups and downs, turns and pirouettes, and there is no choice but to follow to the end though what you want is to run away in the opposite direction.
But for me this is a tricky film. As a hall of mirrors, what you see is not what is, at least not all the time. Confuses you, play a bit with you.
There are many unpleasant scenes, the kind where you have to close my eyes, especially my gave me the creeps that stars Winona Ryder. Dingy and suffocating atmosphere is another element that makes it all the time you are uncomfortable, tense and waiting for the worst. I can not say enjoy myself, but it is an interesting film with good things and not so good, an intense struggle between light and darkness in our lives. 5.7

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