Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Whatprice We Are Talking?

I have left it a bit, but being rare days. With Madrid paralyzed by the strike Metro and working from home, not knowing if tomorrow there will be no minimum service or if I arrive on Friday to my massage with volcanic stones, time runs differently (do not know if better or worse , but different).

Also, I'm tired, I regret the year, and I have a thirst vacation. Travel, beach of people. Sunbathing and dancing all night. In summer red. Sleeping until noon. And those things .

Anyway I'm happy : Sunday I had the first swim of summer on the beach after breakfast chocolate with churros and stroll along the shore. And above, premiering bikini. Now that's life. Ando

a little lost and I have no idea what the song of the summer, so I leave you with one that gives me good vibes summer:)

! And another thing! This year makes five since homosexuals can marry in Spain . And this Saturday will be held in Madrid Gay Pride , my favorite holiday of Madrid! : D: D Somebody joins the parade to cum?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Pumpkin Day would be terrible

Manuel came striding and making a fuss, I could hardly breathe.

- Sister! I got it! It worked! Your dreams will be fulfilled, we have, we have it!

probably had forgotten his arthritis because hopped on one foot and the other around his sister in a fun dance. then grabbed her with both hands and led her to the corral. She dragged his feet and staggered, giving swings between excitement and nerves.

was true: the pumpkins were there, huge, huge, bright, round, perfect. Manuel had managed at last to find the formula for giant vegetables. She rubbed her eyes and patted happy, because I still did not quite believe his luck.

"This time we will do well: pour myself pumpkin, engancharé wheels and will lead to the palace. And you embroider clothing. So when given the twelve, you'll never run out of dance. That damn fairy will never deceive you. And do not worry about having waited all my life from ashes: ninety years still plenty of time to find your prince.

Monday, June 21, 2010

How Long Does It Last Before Hair Starts To Grow?

Today, besides early summer (finally!: D) is the Day Music .

a lot of years ago I clipped an advertisement for a magazine that said it would be terrible live without music, and I used to line a folder, like a universal maxim. Well, actually for me it is. Or play instruments, nor do I have good ears, even takes the cake, but believe it would be terrible to live without music.

And now I have a problem because I can not leave this post without putting a song, and I am unable to choose one in particular!

So, I tell you a little my life through music and I will say that

This was my first favorite song
This , one of the songs were always travel Higuera
This , a song that left me breathless
This , one that always always always makes me smile And
this , I hear a lot lately

And you?
Tell me about music! :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How Can We Stitch Anarkhali Suit?

How to open a lock

just a matter of time and patience to find the key that unlocks the door without having to pick the lock. It is an easy process, achieved on the basis of trial and error method, or even sometimes by intuition.

very different thing is to recognize the lock appropriate, we are eager to open, one to which we are interested in accessing content. And that itself is a difficult issue to solve, and the real issue capital of the search in question.

could be-and often do-that, carried by the passion of the moment, nerves, fear, hopeless we launched we use a key to anyone, even a master key, and make her turn a gear that all are to our liking or preference. This situation usually occurs either by social conventions, for convenience, not out of the provisions, among other various reasons.

Although the user of locks and keys has legitimized choose this option, We must warn you that, in general, such openings are usually unsatisfactory for the individual performer. Thus, by virtue of his own personal happiness, we recommend that you focus your search, first, in choosing the proper lock or, alternatively, that most suits their interests at the time of the act. Having clarified this election, the meeting is given the key will undoubtedly ease with the circumstances.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Blueprints For Costco Stores

did not finish me:)

I thought last week would end with me over the winter, giving and sharing boredom and stress vary.
But returns to Monday, and here I am. And I wanted to share with the world what made the week (working) end up with laughter (regardless of Rafa Pons great concert on Wednesday, it was not all that bad, I admit!)
And if I am happy on Friday therefore I hope you happy on Monday ... are some machines, these guys! XDD. If you want, you can see the original first here. And then compare with this. For me, a thousand times better! XDD

I saw in the Scholar Blog:)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Gustav Schafer Is A Dad? Wtf?

The jar of thunder

had a jar full of lightning and thunder, even some sparks, but never knew exactly what were the latter. Had been reaping for years of trouble-with each angry when he saw that a storm was going to pop into your head and it screams would go down his throat as the howling gale before the downpour, made an effort to keep smiling and while counting to ten, was keeping its anger in the pot, you put the lid shut and let the storm there. And the clouds that had formed in his eyes gave way to a sun-splendid eyes sparkling.

I do not know what caused that jar broke a period of monsoon was unusually long, such a flash flood in a few minutes to take everything in their path, or a constant calabobos just that, after repeated, there moisture ended up put him in the bones. The truth is that the glass broke into pieces in the air and now no one comes close. What a storm in the month of June!

Another version of what happened;)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Like Broken Capillaries On

rigging (again! XDD)

A little stew , To cheer on Monday ...

I will shut up because it Saturday, and I give all the things that do not bear your name written . not you think, do not believe that it is superpowers : just that I want to die and everywhere I see you every time you looked up . That of everything in the world, all that is revered , you are that . So
want to know if you still have reason to endure another couple of days Because I I'll give you everything I am (yes, if I whole) . You know that I have to give it to me desire, I can rip eyes and give you anything and you see what I see .
Live life the way you feel like , but cuidao me that I'm already too old to change pa my hobbies, and even without, to live them, other eighty years and is feeling fear of losing tomorrow so now I have , if anything is clear that there things in life that money takes both ...

not tell me that I would have liked to be there, as was I! :)

For that, happy Monday!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cod Fillet Simpl Tasty

When things got ugly, he took the pictures of war. True, I had a tactic of attack or defense strategy, even an army faithful or loyal comrade to go to cover the backs. But showing a ferocious appearance was certainly a good first step. At the end of the day, almost all the battles won He is convinced it can. Then went out to face its terrible war every day, it appeared, as always, disguised as placid routine.