Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Religious Tattooquotes

The Art of War Talk

long I was curious to read " The Art of War" by Sun Tzu, a well-known book is a treatise on war strategy. I'm not very warlike, but it is certainly a book worth reading, curious.
Anyway, I read a couple of verses that I have found similar situations often live in the projects:

Chapter III: Offensive Strategy
There are three ways with which a sovereign can
lead his army to disaster
When ordering the army to advance or recede,
is strategically ignoring inappropriate. This
describes as "tying the hands of the army."
When interfere in military matters without the necessary knowledge
. This confuses the officers. Replaces

sovereign political , Army team, and official project manager ... : D

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Letter Of Intentionuniversity

agile in

This Friday, September 25, 2009, 17:30, I'll be in Navarparty
in Pamplona, \u200b\u200bgiving an introductory talk to the agile methodologies.
Lectures are freely accessible to all and will be held as last year in room 04 (Fernando Remacha) of Building Sario, annexed to the UPNA Sports Pavilion which hosts the Navarparty 7 (see map
talks The talk will be an introduction, tell agile principles, some history and some of Scrum, typical to explain what they are, and why I believe in these methods. :)
thank the organization for his confidence in his invitation, and I hope to see you there!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

How To Display Blueprints

Navarparty We

In Biko JAVA we are expanding the team in San Sebastian (Guipuzcoa). If you want to work with us, write to join [at], reference to "JAVA development."
What We Do Develop products with agile methodologies, trying to improve after each back, we implement TDD, continuous integration use ... our software ecosystem is: SVN + Maven2 + Hudson + JIRA (GreenHopper). And the development tools, the most typical, Spring and Hibernate, and Struts old must soon migrate. (
Do you dare to come and tell us what and teach? ) Well, I put this text ad to find (September 2009) people who come to work with us. Never had said things in the company blog, but maybe you are interested in this topic.