"No dreams that may be outstanding ..."

The phrase is of great Carlos Chaouen and long ago I have a dream slope in the field of music and that is probably a dream that will not comply.
Anyway, never got to see live Platero y TĂș . The last concert took place in Madrid was, I believe, in October 2001 (the previous nor the mention, because I was very small and had no money to pay for myself the entry and approval of my parents to go or what same, funding XDDD).
I remember why I did not go to that concert, I do not know whether to say that I regret, but the fact is that at that time I had not even crossed his mind that was not to have another chance of view.

All this comes about because I have several days listening to a live compilation I found out there: click a link and I downloaded a folder with covers and everything ... but looking on the internet can not find anywhere to say that this compilation there really. I do not know if it has a special or something ... Dying to live have called.
And, no, I'm enganchadĂsma .

XDDD Anyway, this is a post without Nigun divagational purpose, besides hang out, because today I'm bored:)
going to be to claim them back, no new album or anything, just to give a tour. But I found the following quote from the great Uoho (or put it in the unofficial web there, an official there, I think): When a person who seems hell of sleep, let sleep in peace, so maybe he wakes up in a good mood .
That's it. I leave you there:)
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