todo XDDD "No dreams that may be outstanding ..."
The phrase is of great
Carlos Chaouen and long ago I have a dream
slope in the field of music and that is probably a dream that will not comply.
never got to see live Platero y Tú . The last concert took place in Madrid was, I believe, in October 2001 (the previous nor the mention, because I was very small and had no money to pay for myself the entry and approval of my parents to go or what same, funding XDDD).
I remember why I did not go to that concert, I do not know whether to say that I regret, but the fact is that at that time I had not even crossed his mind that was not to have another chance
of view.
then separated and, as I recall, there was a farewell tour or anything like that. And then I saw Fito, I think three times, but of course, is not the same
All this comes about because I have several days listening to a live compilation
I found out there: click a link and I downloaded a folder with covers and everything ... but looking on the internet can not find anywhere to say that this compilation
there really. I do not know if it has a special or something ... Dying to live
have called.
And, no, I'm enganchadísma
I had not listened to Platero and I (re) discovered that, depending on time at work, put on helmets and scream inside of
that I'm going to get drunk at the bar below to put up with no is fantastic!
XDDD Anyway, this is a post without Nigun divagational
purpose, besides hang out, because today I'm bored:)
going to be to claim them back, no new album or anything, just to give a tour. But I found the following quote from the great
Uoho (or put it in the unofficial web
there, an official there, I think):
When a person who seems hell of sleep, let sleep in peace, so maybe he wakes up in a good mood .
That's it. I leave you there:)
The photos were on Facebook