Manuel came striding and making a fuss, I could hardly breathe.
- Sister! I got it! It worked! Your dreams will be fulfilled, we have, we have it!
probably had forgotten his arthritis because hopped on one foot and the other around his sister in a fun dance.

was true: the pumpkins were there, huge, huge, bright, round, perfect. Manuel had managed at last to find the formula for giant vegetables. She rubbed her eyes and patted happy, because I still did not quite believe his luck.
"This time we will do well: pour myself pumpkin, engancharé wheels and will lead to the palace. And you embroider clothing. So when given the twelve, you'll never run out of dance. That damn fairy will never deceive you. And do not worry about having waited all my life from ashes: ninety years still plenty of time to find your prince.
picture Victor Manuel Pizarro
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