Yes we see that if I can think what you want but do not write in this blog. It is not like anyone has come to him and read what I wrote about the "girl" who is the first in the ranking of the page six and the relationship of this with his father, owner of the newspaper and decided to give me a warning.
turns out that my attorney this morning has left me a voicemail, telling me to call her soon. But my manicure could not wait. We've gone from having to carry them in nude color dark colors in a very short time, and color makeup had to take over my nails.
After the manicure, while passing through the windows of my, as it happens, favorite stores, I decided to call the lawyer. I must say that I called at that time by choice, but following the recommendations of my beloved therapist, it is best to think of something else, occupy the mind consumerist crisis situations.
What was it so important that I had to say? It seems the family lawyer Nodier (of which I spoke in my last post) got in touch with her, advising me to stop talking about their customers in my blog. Then I explained that according to them, their right to honor was being damaged with my "slander" (lies apparently) did not understand much of what he told me, but as it is the understanding of these issues. It is assumed that what I said would be damaging his honor and although I have something called freedom of expression is more important right. So I'd better shut up now I can not get into much trouble and the press looks at each of my steps. This time I'll be very still
Now that I have events I'm going to go to. Remember that my plan is still in the rankings
Indeed. Days without any clothing purchase: 6.
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