be back to talk about books, this time to present a translation of a book Kniberg Henrik and Mattias Skarin the Castilian . This is the book vs Kanban. Scrum first published by of InfoQ. Now, thanks to Agile-Spain we have this great little book in Castilian.
has been a collaborative, coordinated by Angel Medinilla where people have participated group Agile-Spain, which wanted to help English-speaking community have done a great job. From here thanks to Angel, Rodrigo Corral, Matt Sanchez, Gregorio Mena, Laura Morillo Velarde, Angel Agueda (Legnita), Jorge Uriarte, Agustin Yague, Juan Palacio, Xavier Quesada, Javier Sánchez, Jorge Jimenez and Juan Carlos Quijano
Angel will give details of the book on his blog, and you can download from this link.
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