Agile Open First Birthday
Today is five years old this blog. Almost abandoned in poverty survives posts my little dedication to it. I thought this year was the saddest in the world Najar, but I've seen that 2007 was even more sparing in publishing posts.
So just personal greeting to continue reading this blog, and I report that I'm still alive:)
Although this year has been quite active in other areas of "agile", I published a couple of items, and REICIS CES Navarra. I gave a talk at the Navarparty , and above all, I have collaborated in the foundation of agile-spain and its first event. So even if you read me a lot for this blog, you can see me elsewhere.
other hand, I hate to not have finished my series on Lean, and not being able to spend more time reading and commenting on my experiences in software development.
This year I even opened a twitter account :), and above all, try to spend much more time with my son!
I wish you a happy 2010!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Usmcwrestlingsinglet -camo -camouflage
Spain: # agileopenspain2009 Fabulous! Article in REICIS
So after the presentations and a small snack - thanks to the sponsors, which Biko was one of them - we proceeded to introduce the spaces that everyone wanted. Here's when it really breathe easy, and the event was going to work: a line of people to present and finally over 50 sessions ("only" There were 30 available time slots). After preparing the sessions for Saturday's panel, closed the day.
The people in the organization we had dinner on Friday, loved me back to chat with one day we got together for 7 months to move the topic of Agile-Spain, Carlos Ble meet and enjoy a nice dinner, although was working! :)
Saturday began with breakfast at the UPM, to gather strength as you could rethink the sessions looking to attend the panel. 6 sessions had been distributed simultaneously, for 5 time slots, 3 in the morning and 2 more back after eating.
sessions I attended were interesting and participatory. You breathed camaraderie and willingness to learn. We moved quickly through the panel to take the final decisions and care wards spaces. It shared many experiences, knowledge and also many interesting questions.
sessions I attended were:
Well finally arrived Agile Open Space, and went extremely fast how interesting it was.
After a busy week with the organization finally validate our expectations. Mass influx of enrollees, and much organized level talks on Saturday.
On Friday, after the last details of preparation for the event, people started coming to the 18:00, 18:30 and began the presentation ceremony. Agustín Yagüe was master of ceremonies, as it was held "at home" and Jose Manuel Beas and Xabi Albaladejo gave a small speech introducing Agile-Spain and agility. I think Jose Manuel Beas was really excited to see so many people gathered at this event, and no wonder.
After a busy week with the organization finally validate our expectations. Mass influx of enrollees, and much organized level talks on Saturday.
On Friday, after the last details of preparation for the event, people started coming to the 18:00, 18:30 and began the presentation ceremony. Agustín Yagüe was master of ceremonies, as it was held "at home" and Jose Manuel Beas and Xabi Albaladejo gave a small speech introducing Agile-Spain and agility. I think Jose Manuel Beas was really excited to see so many people gathered at this event, and no wonder.
The people in the organization we had dinner on Friday, loved me back to chat with one day we got together for 7 months to move the topic of Agile-Spain, Carlos Ble meet and enjoy a nice dinner, although was working! :)
Saturday began with breakfast at the UPM, to gather strength as you could rethink the sessions looking to attend the panel. 6 sessions had been distributed simultaneously, for 5 time slots, 3 in the morning and 2 more back after eating.
sessions I attended were interesting and participatory. You breathed camaraderie and willingness to learn. We moved quickly through the panel to take the final decisions and care wards spaces. It shared many experiences, knowledge and also many interesting questions.
sessions I attended were:
- Lean: It was a session given by Robyn Dymond, which unfortunately came too late. But X. Quesada led the session a success. We talked about the principles of Lean, and wonder how they apply to the company.
- The Human Factor: Daniel Lopez (I think that was his name) told us about the people, who are who bear the thinkers of the developers, and are to be taken into account. Made a lot of fun dynamic as an example of the punishment against the award as a way to motivate people. Telefónica
- Monica and Carmen Izquierdo Lasa we made a presentation on implementing Scrum in Telefónica I + D. Very interesting because it certainly is very much in parallel with the implementation we're doing also Biko, and we chatted for a while after lunch, and the problems and challenges are very similar.
- Agile Coaching: It was to discuss the functions of an Agile Coach, and certainly what was clearer, it was not clear. There several versions of what is supposed to make an Agile coach, I think it lost a bit the course of the session that was mixed with the idea of \u200b\u200ba personal coach or brand.
- Outsourcing and outsourcing: Angel Medinilla led a session to share his experiences on projects of this kind, drawing conclusions about .
In short, the conference experience. You can find more reviews, photos, etc.. in web-spain agile. Partnership will take shape soon, and we are preparing new events, so do not rest;). Get on the bandwagon of agility, and join Agile-Spain !
Thursday, October 15, 2009
How To Make A Smiley With A Bandana
have published the magazine REICIS - "English Journal of Innovation, Quality and Software Engineering" - and in this issue I have included an article entitled " Agile methodologies such as software quality assurance " . Hope you like!
I can find in:
Many thanks to Jose Carlos and that helped me give the final touch of quality)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Would You Not Just Luv To Be On Fashion Tv?
Talk agile software development (2)
Here you have the talk I gave the other day in the Navarparty, along with a brief description of what is told, without elaborating. You have the video available on the website of the Navarparty .
Agile Development
[2] usually have the typical problems of software development, in which we fall again and again, as reasons to switch to the light, with unhappy customers, equipment burned, poor quality, dates never reached. ..
[3] but here I prefer to give two reasons why I believe that agile methodologies are best suited.
[4] I think that first, the product is equivalent the team that created it, and that the product of a project manager is to create a team, and that
[5] software is a collaborative game. [6] These two books contribute to those ideas.
[7] So now we must choose a new path, take the blue pill Neo offered (jope, or was it red?).
[8] The most common agile methodologies were created in the 90,
[9] but the agile manifesto gave definitive.
[10-15] The agile manifesto in four sentences condense the knowledge and experience in project management software of some of the leading experts in this world.
[16-22] and the principles that flow from them are the bases of these methodologies.
[23] how we can bring these ideas to a practical level?
[24] Applying this methodology, for example (as an example, let's not forget that there are many agile methodologies), which acts on a technical level, on the ecosystem software (XP practice), level of project management (Scrum), and organizational level (using Lean principles).
[25-35] XP gives us tools to ensure quality and integrity of the development (TDD, Continuous Integration, Pair programming), but we must not forget that can be taken as a whole management methodology. Lean gives us some principles that seek to improve the organization at all levels. And Scrum methodology "cool", gives us the framework to manage projects by focusing on customer value delivery and continuous improvement.
[37] Two basic words to be nimble, trust and collaboration.
[38] Do not miss agile-spain! -Protocols-Maintaining/dp/0201604566
Here you have the talk I gave the other day in the Navarparty, along with a brief description of what is told, without elaborating. You have the video available on the website of the Navarparty .
Agile Development
View more presentations from jrramon .
[2] usually have the typical problems of software development, in which we fall again and again, as reasons to switch to the light, with unhappy customers, equipment burned, poor quality, dates never reached. ..
[3] but here I prefer to give two reasons why I believe that agile methodologies are best suited.
[4] I think that first, the product is equivalent the team that created it, and that the product of a project manager is to create a team, and that
[5] software is a collaborative game. [6] These two books contribute to those ideas.
[7] So now we must choose a new path, take the blue pill Neo offered (jope, or was it red?).
[8] The most common agile methodologies were created in the 90,
[9] but the agile manifesto gave definitive.
[10-15] The agile manifesto in four sentences condense the knowledge and experience in project management software of some of the leading experts in this world.
[16-22] and the principles that flow from them are the bases of these methodologies.
[23] how we can bring these ideas to a practical level?
[24] Applying this methodology, for example (as an example, let's not forget that there are many agile methodologies), which acts on a technical level, on the ecosystem software (XP practice), level of project management (Scrum), and organizational level (using Lean principles).
[25-35] XP gives us tools to ensure quality and integrity of the development (TDD, Continuous Integration, Pair programming), but we must not forget that can be taken as a whole management methodology. Lean gives us some principles that seek to improve the organization at all levels. And Scrum methodology "cool", gives us the framework to manage projects by focusing on customer value delivery and continuous improvement.
[37] Two basic words to be nimble, trust and collaboration.
[38] Do not miss agile-spain! -Protocols-Maintaining/dp/0201604566
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Religious Tattooquotes
The Art of War Talk
long I was curious to read " The Art of War" by Sun Tzu, a well-known book is a treatise on war strategy. I'm not very warlike, but it is certainly a book worth reading, curious.
Anyway, I read a couple of verses that I have found similar situations often live in the projects:
sovereign political , Army team, and official project manager ... : D
long I was curious to read " The Art of War" by Sun Tzu, a well-known book is a treatise on war strategy. I'm not very warlike, but it is certainly a book worth reading, curious.
Anyway, I read a couple of verses that I have found similar situations often live in the projects:
Chapter III: Offensive Strategy
There are three ways with which a sovereign can
lead his army to disaster
When ordering the army to advance or recede,
is strategically ignoring inappropriate. This
describes as "tying the hands of the army."
When interfere in military matters without the necessary knowledge
. This confuses the officers. Replaces
There are three ways with which a sovereign can
lead his army to disaster
When ordering the army to advance or recede,
is strategically ignoring inappropriate. This
describes as "tying the hands of the army."
When interfere in military matters without the necessary knowledge
. This confuses the officers. Replaces
sovereign political , Army team, and official project manager ... : D
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Letter Of Intentionuniversity
agile in
This Friday, September 25, 2009, 17:30, I'll be in Navarparty
in Pamplona, \u200b\u200bgiving an introductory talk to the agile methodologies. This Friday, September 25, 2009, 17:30, I'll be in Navarparty
Lectures are freely accessible to all and will be held as last year in room 04 (Fernando Remacha) of Building Sario, annexed to the UPNA Sports Pavilion which hosts the Navarparty 7 (see map
)thank the organization for his confidence in his invitation, and I hope to see you there!
talks The talk will be an introduction, tell agile principles, some history and some of Scrum, typical to explain what they are, and why I believe in these methods. :)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
How To Display Blueprints
Navarparty We
In Biko JAVA we are expanding the team in San Sebastian (Guipuzcoa). If you want to work with us, write to join [at], reference to "JAVA development."
What We Do Develop products with agile methodologies, trying to improve after each back, we implement TDD, continuous integration use ... our software ecosystem is: SVN + Maven2 + Hudson + JIRA (GreenHopper). And the development tools, the most typical, Spring and Hibernate, and Struts old must soon migrate. (
Do you dare to come and tell us what and teach? ) Well, I put this text ad to find (September 2009) people who come to work with us. Never had said things in the company blog, but maybe you are interested in this topic.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
(elokuvat) Rocco 's Big Mess
Biko Java developers to come to the Agile Open Spain: 23 and 24 October
is going to organize the first national event of Agile-Spain, I copied the text that you can find on the website itself
. is going to organize the first national event of Agile-Spain, I copied the text that you can find on the website itself
With the objective of disseminating Spain agile methodologies (Scrum, eXtreme Programming. Lean Software Development) and share experiences on Friday, October 23 afternoon and on Saturday will take place the first full Agile Open Spain at the premises of the School of Computer Science at the South Campus of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Km.7 Valencia Ctra. 28031 Madrid (Google Maps Location
The Agile Open
Spain is a non-profit event organized in a very participatory. It is designed to share with attendees their experiences, ideas, experiments and challenges of agile methodologies (deployment, agile planning, retrospectives, engineering, tools, product management, quality, etc..), Based on the format of If you like:
- Share your experiences as an expert or a beginner in the use of Agile practices.
Listen to some of the people who know the most of Agile methodologies in Spain. Find - the future before it finds you.
here (note that the event is free but places are limited.)
Friday, August 7, 2009
Guys, Which Do You Like Better? Fake Or Real?
Changing the lock or combination? Safety Tips
When we think of our security, the first thing that crosses our mind is to change the lock on the door, especially if you recently moved.
Why should I change my lock?
know that for a fixed our lock will not suffer damage, would change the original key of the door, thus the key to the previous owners would not work. We could put a lock "safer" than before, although this option would cost us two things, one is the money it costs us to purchase the new lock, especially if this is maximum security, the other drawback is the case, and it would not be the same as the old lock, then it would be larger Accommodation of the lock on the door and their corresponding holes for faucet and knobs.
other option is to change the lock combination of old, this would be the most economical option, and would use the same lock with a different key, old key but would enter into this stock on or latches. With this option we would be saving a large sum of money.
When we think of our security, the first thing that crosses our mind is to change the lock on the door, especially if you recently moved.
Why should I change my lock?
know that for a fixed our lock will not suffer damage, would change the original key of the door, thus the key to the previous owners would not work. We could put a lock "safer" than before, although this option would cost us two things, one is the money it costs us to purchase the new lock, especially if this is maximum security, the other drawback is the case, and it would not be the same as the old lock, then it would be larger Accommodation of the lock on the door and their corresponding holes for faucet and knobs.
other option is to change the lock combination of old, this would be the most economical option, and would use the same lock with a different key, old key but would enter into this stock on or latches. With this option we would be saving a large sum of money.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
U0026lt; U0026lt; U0…

When designing your home
Take the concept of "defensible space", this means having the different perspectives of the front entrance.
must be close enough to the neighboring houses
As for help in an emergency and allow visual communication by signs or by means which exclude the phone. Please
unregistered telephone numbers and limit the distribution of these numbers. During the summer
The thief looking homes with air conditioners noisy "if you sleep so deeply that you do not hear the device can not hear the burglar.
In the winter
The thief looks for evidence of that in homes inhabited by people over these they had gone in search of warmer climates. Many of these people leave the heat very low, and then a week too much frost on the outside of windows.
The thief active Proof
alarm and hid in the bushes to see if you have the owner, police or serenazgo. After a while can see that nobody cared. Then the thief enters the house and gets down to work.
not leave your home alone
Whenever possible a person should stay at home.
Always leave your radio or TV turned on
To give the appearance that there is someone, so you can be heard by someone who is close to your front door or back.
More lights, less theft
Leave some lights on when you leave your house at night, giving the appearance that someone is, this confuses the thief. Watch
Know your neighbors and their vehicles. If you see a stranger or an unfamiliar car in a suspicious note the number plate shooting, tell your neighbors of the presence of strangers, in any case, call the national police. Use the lookout
(magic eye) of the door to check the identity of persons
For safety, install a gazebo in the front door, allowing you to identify the visitor, as well as see their credentials or identity without opening the door. Beware
Be wary of unexpected delivery of goods, service calls (water, electricity, telephone, construction, repairs, etc.) If an unexpected delivery of goods, point out the person responsible to leave the package outside his door, in case you have to sign any guide, tell him below the door you pass the paper to sign. The package will pick you up taking the necessary precautions.
If you go home and think there is a thief in
not enter his house to find out. Go to the home of a neighbor and call the national police.
steal at what time?
usually at the time the housewives shopping coming to market (09.00 to 12.00 hrs.).
In afternoon between 15.00 to 18.00 hrs.
Within hours of the night from 18.00 to 21.00 hrs.
If you know there's a burglar in the house
If you can, leave the house quickly, but lock yourself in a room and put lock on the door.
then please telephone the national police for help. If there is no phone in the room, open the window and shout for support to their neighbors.
Park your car in the driveway
Instead of putting the car in the garage, park you, outside, inside the security fence. This uncertainty created by the thief.
Safety in your garage
not trust. You're not safe until it has been locked the doors and you are sure that no one entered while you got out of the car to close.
"the assailants of motorists, bag snatchers and burglaries have become accustomed to attack their victims in the garages, which are becoming one of the most dangerous areas of the house."
If you find you have entered your house
Call the police if they have committed a crime. If so, do not touch anything. Do not try to accommodate the mess left by the criminals.
not try to close the doors and windows, for all tracks and fingerprints are in the maze left by criminals.
handling is not recommended for anything laboratory experts find fingerprints easily. Otherwise, the work can be more difficult.
Similarly, it would help if you perform a thorough observation of the stolen objects to facilitate the police a detailed list of what was stolen.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Yu-gi-oh! (customized) Dollfies =^-^=

Hello, I hope that through this medium can offer you advice and views regarding security. Obviously from the point of view that correponde me, which is the locksmith.
Within this blog are touched topics as different types of security systems, better and worse, hardware in general, tips, etc, etc, etc ...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
007, Frequency: 900/1800 Mhz, Qb440304l2557-2005?
are we engineers are the software? Teams vs
sure you've already heard the buzz that has been armed with the article in IEEE
of Tom DiMarco on his change of mind to control and metrics in software projects. sure you've already heard the buzz that has been armed with the article in IEEE
metrics initially described in my book Controlling Software Projects: Management, Measurement and Estimation, have defined the way in which many software engineers built and planned work. With a reflective mood state, now I wonder: Was it right advice on metrics? Is it still relevant? and what still believe that metrics are a necessity for any successful software development?. My answers are no, no and no . [ * ]I do not think it's a change in the view of Tom, you just have to read PeopleWare written 20 years later that the issue of control and metrics in software projects, to realize its development. post that I liked on this subject was that of Juan Palacios
, and I agree largely with what it says. The real bombshell was another post of coding horror, wondering if software engineering is dead, and connects with the new movement that defends the software development world as " craft." I do not know, maybe I should be a science experimental -known orders and generally experienced, the things-so that we learn possibilities of doing good things ... When leaving the race, always stressed that there was no computer, if not, computer engineer. Now, although it is frowned upon, I always say I like programming
, but you need to know the mathematical and conceptual skills needed to do well. The answer to this often tends to be "engineers" but you continue programming after 10 years of experience? (sic)
- understood engineering processes as a set of plausible and feasible to solve a problem, there -
- yet! - in computer science. Some thought that it could CMMI-5, but they were wrong. civil engineering projects transferred to the control software is not appropriate for all
- projects. The "rebound" of Agile confirm this. metrics are overvalued in software projects, and their teams. They are part a bureaucracy that generates little value when abused.
is not - or should not be - - a war between factions. We are children with a new toy, and each believes that it is used differently. We learn. There is a part of "
- cooperative game", by "sociological problem" that has been forgotten in the traditional project management. agile methodologies solve some problems, but will soon stand in their weaknesses, we aUNC efforts for improvement.
- Finally, each project is different. Not only that the result should be different, if not to be done with equipment different. Perhaps all similar projects could manage the same, but never steps as separate teams. You should study people, profiles, interests, ... and that is hardly measurable. I do not know if CMMi, for example, has an area of \u200b\u200bwork on this issue, the creation of real teams. An amazing book in this area, I recommended Mario, is
PS: I will continue my posts on
Lean I promised, but it's been a tough season!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Drama...what Now?
. People
If anything I like
Scrum as a methodology is fast trying to get the most potential to computers. Understanding team not a bunch of people working together, but as a group of people who share a vision and motivation that unites them with special bonds. measurement metrics in Scrum is very team-oriented: The speed and burn-down are standard elements of this group. People are controlled by the same team as secondary. If each daily-scrum, is a person who does not progress, there are reasons and data for the other people help you or give you a hint, but the focus is on the computer. Alistair Cockburn If anything I like
already said that building software is a cooperative game
that there is no play without equipment, or at least no satisfactory game. Lean tells us about the quality of conceptual integrity , you notice that product quality to bring out the integrity of the computer user. Now I ask myself how to make metrics to evaluate the performance of people ... why is it necessary in an agile environment? People who do not "work" will be quickly detected by the teams and do not want them. Is there a better metric than that?
If personal metrics depend on the estimated ratios of fulfilling their tasks, ... So is it possible to form a team with a common motivation? What we do not tightening too much? I guess it must be a balance, but I certainly would ma weight on the computer. Nobody builds software alone.
Anyway, more questions to Agile-Spain
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